"No one said it was going to be easy" I laughed out loud when I read this tweet this morning.
I don't think I know the easy way to do anything. Sometimes I feel like I take the hard road to every place I go. It is exhausting and, often, discouraging. But I forge on until I am where I want to be. Some think that this makes me stronger or better of a person. Perhaps it does. What I do know is that hard work if rewarded.
Some of the challenges I've faced in the last few days have been difficult. Working through them has left me exhausted. Then there is a moment of progress and it is enough to keep me moving
I was lamenting how much time finding ways to save money or earn extra money was taking away from my writing time. I thought about how I was going to maximize the limited time I do have. As the day progressed several writing ideas came to mind. Each time I would stop and write it down. Now, as the day comes to a close, I have several pages of notes to work from and two new poems started. In honoring my craft with conscience thought, ideas are coming to me. I am fitting it in and it is plenty.
Now, as I get ready to call it a day for an early shift tomorrow, I look at a list I made today. At the top is this question, "Who told you it would be easy?"
Life is hard. By our own making or by nature, life has challenges. It's not personal. You're not in this alone. There isn't one answer that solves every persons problems.
There are rewards. And they are worth all the work. For me, it will be financial freedom to enjoy my life. What will it be for you?
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