Thursday, February 27, 2014

Almost very bad...phew

Oh that could have been bad. Very bad.
In calculating my post payment balances, I almost forgot a withdrawal. I am not a fan of automatic withdrawal, for this very reason.

That was a serious breath holding moment.

I have gotten this far without missing a rent payment or a car payment. I did not want to mess that up now.

Some times it feels like this is never going to end. It's like climbing up a ladder with the sun in your eyes. All I can do is reach for the next rung and hope it's strong.

So on I go. Tomorrow's pay day isn't the finish line. There's two weeks until the next pay day. So what would I have done if I have messed up? I probably would have cancelled all my plans for the weekend and worked my tail off to make the money I needed. If that wasn't an option, I would have had to pay a late fee on my car payment. Wasted money.

Sigh of relief.

I'm starting to think about the next goal. Putting something in the bank. Savings.

How am I feeling? Proud? Accomplished? Mostly just tired. Ask me in a couple of months, my answer may be different. But for today, I'm ready for a break.
This process is hard enough when you have someone to go through it with you. Doing it alone is just exhausting.

But I have you. You listen so well. :-)

Discouragement isn't quitting. It's an emotion based on fatigue. Take a break. Get some sleep. Come back strong. I'm going to. I still have earning potential. This could be a very good weekend for me. Wish me luck!

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